Twentieth SpaceWire Working Group meeting

9th (PM), 10th (all day) and 11th (AM) of April 2013

The twentieth SpaceWire Working Group meeting was held from Tuesday the 9th PM to Thursday the 11th AM of April 2013 at ESA/ESTEC, followed by a SpW WG Steering Committee meeting on Thursday the 11th (PM).

The meeting focused on the following topics:

SpW System and Mission Requirements (Conveners D. Jameux & W. Gasti, ESA/ESTEC)

SpW Evolutions (Convener D. Jameux, ESA/ESTEC), including ECSS-ST-50-12C Rev.1, SpaceFibre, and SpW 2

SpW Networks for C&C (SpW-D) (Conveners F. Torelli & C. Honvault, ESA/ESTEC)

SpW Network Management (Conveners G. Rakow, NASA/GSFC, P. Mendham, Bright Ascension)

SpW Components (Convener J. Ilstad, ESA/ESTEC)

SpW Simulation, Test, and Verification (Convener Y. Sheynin, UoStPg)

SpW International SpaceWire Conferences (Convener M. Süss, ESA/ESTEC & S. Parkes, UoD)

Final Agenda (F)

Proceedings (C)

SpaceWire standardisation planning (Martin Süss, ESA/ESTEC)

System and mission requirements

This session was dedicated to the provision of SpaceWire-related Data Handling system requirements from System Integrators and ESA mission teams.

SpW Evolutions I – ECSS-ST-E-50-12C Rev.1

This session was dedicated to the revision of the current SpaceWire standard in support to the work of the ECSS Working Group.

SpW Evolutions II – SpaceFibre

This session was dedicated to various aspects of the development of the SpaceFibre protocol.

SpW Evolutions III – SpW2

This session was dedicated to medium term disruptive evolutions of the SpaceWire technology in preparation for the development of the SpaceWire 2 standard.

SpW for Cmd&Ctrl

This session will be dedicated to SpW-D, support to CCSDS time distribution, and other Command & Control issues for SpaceWire.

SpaceWire Network and Protocols Management

This session will be dedicated to SpaceWire network management features and protocols such as network discovery and configuration, Electronic Data Sheets, FDIR, and SpaceWire related protocol stacks.

SpW component developments

SpW Simulation, Test, and Verification

This session was dedicated to the test, verification and simulation tools and requirements.

SpaceWire Conferences

This session was dedicated to the announcement of SpaceWire-related events in general and to the International SpaceWire Conference in 2013 in particular.

Meeting close-out (D. Jameux, ESA/ESTEC)

Photos of the social event

Contact Person: Bertilla Sinka Tel : +31 71 565 8559 Email :


ESA - ESTEC - Electrical Engineering Department - Data Systems Division – D. Jameux – 12/04/2013