Twentieth SpaceWire Working Group meeting
9th (PM), 10th (all day) and 11th (AM) of April 2013
The twentieth SpaceWire Working Group meeting was held from Tuesday the 9th PM to Thursday the 11th AM of April 2013 at ESA/ESTEC, followed by a SpW WG Steering Committee meeting on Thursday the 11th (PM).
The meeting focused on the following topics:
SpW System and Mission Requirements (Conveners D. Jameux & W. Gasti, ESA/ESTEC)
SpW Evolutions (Convener D. Jameux, ESA/ESTEC), including ECSS-ST-50-12C Rev.1, SpaceFibre, and SpW 2
SpW Networks for C&C (SpW-D) (Conveners F. Torelli & C. Honvault, ESA/ESTEC)
SpW Network Management (Conveners G. Rakow, NASA/GSFC, P. Mendham, Bright Ascension)
SpW Components (Convener J. Ilstad, ESA/ESTEC)
SpW Simulation, Test, and Verification (Convener Y. Sheynin, UoStPg)
SpW International SpaceWire Conferences (Convener M. Süss, ESA/ESTEC & S. Parkes, UoD)
Proceedings (C)
SpaceWire standardisation planning (Martin Süss, ESA/ESTEC)
System and mission requirements
This session was dedicated to the provision of SpaceWire-related Data Handling system requirements from System Integrators and ESA mission teams.
Bepi Colombo On-Board SpaceWire Networks, Wahida Gasti, ESA/ESTEC
SpW Evolutions I – ECSS-ST-E-50-12C Rev.1
This session was dedicated to the revision of the current SpaceWire standard in support to the work of the ECSS Working Group.
Status of the ECSS-ST-50-12C Rev.1 standardisation process, David Jameux, ESA/ESTEC
DC-balanced SpaceWire links with galvanic isolation, longer distances and gigabit rates, Yuriy Sheynin, SUAI
Towards a new specification of physical level for SpaceWire, Steve Parkes, STARDundee
SpaceWire physical level - Status on SpaceWire backplanes at SEA, Alan Senior, SEA
SpW Deployment and Handbook, Roger Peel, 4Links
support document: SpaceWire Handbook DRAFT - SVN version 60.pdf
SpW Evolutions II – SpaceFibre
This session was dedicated to various aspects of the development of the SpaceFibre protocol.
SpaceFibre implementation and demonstration, Steve Parkes, UoDundee
Status report regarding SpaceFibre IP core beta-test opportunity, Mathieu Patte, Astrium (F) & Raoul Grimoldi, CGS
SpaceFibre interoperability testing in Dundee, Kohei Hosokawa, NEC
Implementation and Interoperability tests of SpaceFibre, Minoru Nakamura, Mitsubishi Electric
SpW Evolutions III – SpW2
This session was dedicated to medium term disruptive evolutions of the SpaceWire technology in preparation for the development of the SpaceWire 2 standard.
Status on the FP7/SPWRT activity, Steve Parkes, UoDundee
SpaceWire-RT IP Core ASIC feasibility analysis, Tatiana Solokhina, ELVEES RnD Center
SpaceWire-RT copper line transceivers as a Radiation Tolerant ASIC IP-core project, Sergey Kondratenko, ELVEES RnD Center
SpW for Cmd&Ctrl
This session will be dedicated to SpW-D, support to CCSDS time distribution, and other Command & Control issues for SpaceWire.
Time-distribution over SpaceWire - status update, Sandi Habinc, Aeroflex Gaisler
Design guideline and software tools for deterministic SpaceWire network using SpaceWire-D, Takayuki Yuasa, ISAS
TRP activity SpW-D detailed specification and prototyping - update status, David Jameux, ESA/ESTEC
SpaceWire Network and Protocols Management
This session will be dedicated to SpaceWire network management features and protocols such as network discovery and configuration, Electronic Data Sheets, FDIR, and SpaceWire related protocol stacks.
Status of the Network Discovery Protocols TRP activity, Peter Mendham, Bright Ascension
support document: SpaceWire Plug-and-Play Protocol Specification v1.5.pdf
The SpaceWire N-MaSS FDIR service suite, John Franklin, Astrium UK
SpaceWire-based Protocols (SbP) stack with a focus on management protocols, David Jameux, ESA/ESTEC
SpW component developments
ESA IP-Cores Offer: SpaceWire IPs, Luca Fossati, ESA/ESTEC
SpaceWire devices developed in the 3-year SpaceWire R&D by JAXA and Osaka University, Takayuki Yuasa, ISAS
European SpaceWire router development - status update, Sandi Habinc, Aeroflex Gaisler
Extended Common Mode LVDS Solutions, Volodymyr Burkhay, TELEFUNKEN Semiconductors
European LVDS development - status update, Sandi Habinc, Aeroflex Gaisler
SpW Simulation, Test, and Verification
This session was dedicated to the test, verification and simulation tools and requirements.
MOST - update status, Brice Dellandrea, TAS-F
SpaceWire-RT/SpaceFibre simulation models: implementation and application, Valentin Olenev, SUAI
SpaceWire Conferences
This session was dedicated to the announcement of SpaceWire-related events in general and to the International SpaceWire Conference in 2013 in particular.
International SpaceWire Conference 2013 - status 2 months out, Sandi Habinc, Aeroflex Gaisler
Meeting close-out (D. Jameux, ESA/ESTEC)
Contact Person: Bertilla Sinka Tel : +31 71 565 8559 Email :
ESA - ESTEC - Electrical Engineering Department - Data Systems Division – D. Jameux – 12/04/2013