
Fifteenth SpaceWire Working Group meeting

18th PM, 19th (all day) and 20th (AM) of October 2010


The fifteenth SpaceWire Working Group meeting has been held on Monday the 18th (PM), Tuesday the 19th and Wednesday the 20th (AM) of October 2010 at Estec, followed by a SpW WG Steering Committee meeting on Wednesday the 20th (PM).


Scope - the meeting covered the following topics:


·         SpW networks used for C&C (SpW-D) (Convenors Ph. Armbruster, ESA/ESTEC & S. Parkes, UoD)

·         SpW Evolutions and Standard Revision (Convenors D. Jameux, ESA/ESTEC & M. Suess, ESA/ESTEC)

·         SpaceWire-PnP (Convenors G. Rakow, NASA/GSFC, C. Taylor, ESA/ESTEC & P.Mendham, SciSys)

·         SpW Deployment and Handbook (Convenor, B. Cook, 4Links)

·         SpW Test, Verification and “Certification” (Convenor Y. Sheynin, UoStPg)

·         SpW Products ESA brochure (ESA)

·         SpaceWire International Conferences:  SpWIC 2010 – (St Petersburg RU) and SpWIC 2011 (San Antonio TX,US)


Proceedings (D)



Day 1: Monday 18th October (PM)


            Welcome and Introduction (Philippe Armbruster, ESA/ESTEC)


Session 1:  SpW New Protocols (Convenor Martin Suess, ESA/ESTEC)


      Proposal for CCSDS time distribution over SpW (M. Isomaki, S.Habinc, Aeroflex-Gaisler)


Session 2: SpW –D (Convenors Ph. Armbruster, ESA/ESTEC and S. Parkes, UoD)


      SpW-D An Introduction and Discussion (S.Parkes / UoD)


            Presentation on SpW-D requirements and their assessment (A. Tavoularis, Teletel)


            Presentation on results of the Jaxa analysis for the SpW-D draft specification (T.Yamada,   JAXA)


            Presentation on SpW-D Preliminary Protocol Implementation – Parameter Identification       and Trade-Off Analysis (Albert Ferrer Florit, UoD-ESA/ESTEC)   


Day 2: Tuesday 19th October (all day)


Wrap-up Session 2 – Conclusions and Dispositions


Session 3: SpW Evolution and standard revision (Convenor D.Jameux, ESA/ESTEC)


        Introduction: SpW evolutions, standard update (SpaceWire 1.1), backward compatibility, SpaceWire 2.0 (M.Suess, ESA/ESTEC)


        SpW evolutions: presentation of aggregated change requests from the Working Group and related technical discussions, possibly to agree on technical choices (D.Jameux, ESA/ESTEC)



Session 4: SpaceWire related activities


      Presentation on SpaceWire Traffic Simulator (A.Girard, TAS France)



Day 3: Wednesday 20th October (AM)


Session 5: SpaceWire PnP (Convenor Ch. Taylor, ESA/ESTEC & P.Mendham, SciSys)


Introduction to SpW PnP (P.Mendham, SciSys)

Presentation on SpW PnP (Ch. Taylor, ESA/ESTEC)

ESA Comments on PnP Protocol (M. Suess, ESA/ESTEC)

Feedback presentation on PnP Protocol (H.Hihara/NTS Space)

            Implementing SpaceWire PnP in the Aeroflex Gaisler Router IP core (M.Isomaki, Aeroflex   Gaisler)




Session 6: Other topics


SpW Test, Verification and “Certification” (Convenor Y. Sheynin, UoStPg)

SpW Products ESA brochure (M.Brestanska, ESA/ESTEC)

SpaceWire International Conferences:  SpWIC 2010 – (St Petersburg RU) and        SpWIC 2011 (San Antonio TX,US)


Day 3: Wednesday 20th October (PM)


            Minutes of the SpW Steering Committee Meeting (M.Suess, ESA/ESTEC)



Next meeting will be held in ESA/ESTEC on the following days: 21 March 2011 (pm), 22-23 March 2011


Support Documents


Support Document: CCSDS Unsegmented Code Transfer Protocol


Support document SpaceWire-PnP Protocol Definition Issue 2.1




Support document: SpaceWire-D Determinstic Control and Data Delivery Over SpW Networsks Protocol Draft B


Support Document: Results of Analysis for the SpW-D Draft Specification


Support document: SpaceWire-D Preliminary Protocol Implementation and Analysis (draft)



Attendance list:


List of participants


Contact Person: Maria Brestanska  Tel : +31 71 565 8559  Email : spacewire.secretary@esa.int       


ESA - ESTEC - Electrical Engineering Department - Data Systems Division – M.Brestanska – 08/11/2010 PM