Eighth SpaceWire Working Group meeting, ESA/ESTEC

17th, 18th and 19th of January 2007

Proceedings (C)



Day 1: Wednesday 17th of January (PM)  


Welcome and Introduction, ESA/ESTEC Ph. Armbruster


CCSDS SOIS and SpaceWire



Proposals for other Protocols


support document: A Link-Layer Broadcast Service for SpaceWire Networks


support document: Distributed Interrupts in SpaceWire networks


Proposed updates and modifications of ECSS-E50-12A standard

 refer to InterAgency Steering Committee Dispositions


Current developments



Day 2: Thursday 18th of January (all day)


RMAP Draft F



Short update Presentations


SpaceWire and PnP


SpaceWire Physical layer and SpaceWire backplanes


SpaceFibre Roadmap


Next Events and new initiatives


Day 3 Friday 19th (AM) InterAgency meeting


Attendance List: Registered Participants                                                                  


Reference Documents:

-         SpW-SnP-PID (Draft B, January 2005)

-         SpW-SnP-RMAP (Draft F, 4th December 2006)

-         CCSDS SOIS Services Green Book (updated) (CCSDS 850.0-G-0b, November 2006)

-         GOES-R Reliable Data Delivery Protocol (GRDDP), (1st of July 2005)

-         SpaceWire Router Data Sheet, UoD_SpW-10X_DataSheet (Issue 2.0, 18th August 2006)


Other documents

-         Comparison of Communication Architectures for Spacecraft Modular Avionics Systems D.A. Gwaltney and J.M. Briscoe, Marshall Space Flight Center, Marshall Space Flight Center, Alabama




ESA - ESTEC - Electrical Engineering Department - Data Systems Division - Ph. Armbruster – 04/05/2007