SpaceWire Working Group Meeting 4


Fourth SpaceWire Working Group meeting, ESA/ESTEC

Tuesday 19th and Wednesday 20th of July 2005

Room Einstein



Day 1 PM, 14:00-17:30 - Tuesday 19th of July: Comments/Revisions on RMAP Draft C 

§        Welcome address and Status, Ph. Armbruster, ESA/ESTEC

§        Application for PID 239 for legacy device: SMCS116SpW, P. Rastetter, Astrium GmbH

§        CRC implementation variants, T. Hult, Saab Ericsson Space

§        Overview and review of ECSS-E50-12A Part 2 (RMAP)

§        Wrap-Up (see conclusions)


Day 2 all day (9:00 - 17:30) - Wednesday 20th of July - 17:00 - Plenary session           

§        Introduction, Ph. Armbruster, ESA/ESTEC (see Welcome address and Status)

First feedback from RMAP implementations

§        SpW router ASIC development, G. Kempf, AAe

§        RTC ASIC, T. Hult, Saab Ericsson

§        Video Processing Chain with SpW Interface, F. Lachaud, Sodern (25 mn)

10:30 Break

SpW Networking

§        TopNet - IP tunnel, R. Vitulli Estec, S. Mills UoD

§        SpW as seen by Astrium - system issues, O. Notebaert, Astrium

§        CCSDS SOIS and SpW, S. Parkes, UoD

13:00 Lunch


Applications of SpW networks in on-going missions

§        NASA SpW Activities G. Rakow, NASA

§        SpW Application to missions: BepiColombo & NeXT, Y.Kasaba, JAXA/ISAS

§        SpW Development activities, M. Nomachi, Osaka University


Very high speed serial links

§        SpaceFibre development status, M.Suess & Iain Mckenzie, Estec (25mn)


SpW Products

§        Galvanically Isolated SpaceWire EGSE Building Blocks, P. Walker, 4links (15 mn)

§        Development Tools and Support Equipment, Star Dundee (15 mn)

§        Status of the SMCS332SpW validation and the SMCS116WpW development, P. Rastetter, Astrium GmbH (15 mn)


16:30 Wrap Up and next issues, Conclusions Ph. Armbruster, Estec

17:15 Meeting close



Invited Participants lists                                         Participants


Invitation list                                                                 Registered participants


Reference Documents:


-         SpW-SnP-PID (Draft B, January 2005)

-         SpW-SnP-RMAP (Draft C, March 29th)


Comments received

-         STUP Protocol specification

-         Saab Ericsson Space comments to SpaceWire RMAP protocol Draft C





ESA - ESTEC - Electrical Engineering Department - Data Systems Division  - Ph. Armbruster - 08/06/2005