Thirteenth SpaceWire Working Group meeting

14th PM and 15th (all day) of September 2009




The thirteenth SpaceWire Working Group meeting has been held on Monday the 14th (PM) and Tuesday the 15th (all day) of September 2009 at ESTEC followed by a SpW WG Steering Committee meeting on Wednesday the 16th AM.


The meeting will address the following miscellaneous topics


  • SpaceWire Evolution (Convenor, M.Suess, ESTEC)
  • SpW Deployment and Handbook (Convenor, B. Cook, 4Links)
  • SpW Test, Verification and “Certification” (Convenor Y. Sheynin, UoStPg)
  • SpW Backplanes (Convenors A. Senior SEA and M. Nomachi, UoO)


And then focus on the following main topics:


  • SpaceWire-RT (Convenors  Ph. Armbruster ESA and S. Parkes)
  • SpaceWire-PnP (Convenor G.Rakow, NASA/GSFC)


Before addressing the following items


  • SpaceFibre MLAS demonstration goals and recommendations
  • SpaceWire International Conference 2010 – St Petersburg RU – W25 June 2010 - (Pr. Sheynin)



Proceedings (C)


Day 1: Monday 14th of September PM – Room: Newton 1


Welcome and Introduction, ESA/Ph. Armbruster, ESA


Session 1: miscellaneous topics detailed agendas still TBC by Convenors


  • SpaceWire Evolution (Convenor, M.Suess, ESTEC)

·   Introduction and ECSS standardisation status, ESA/M.Suess

·   Half duplex SpW, 4links/B. Cook  

·   Problem on Time-Counter and FCT credit counter, NEC/H. Hihara

·   Galvanic Isolation of SpW links, ESA/M. Suess


  • Return on experience while implementing SpW links and networks in Japan

·   SpW Hardware implementation for Astro-H (implementation of SpW for Astro-H in Jaxa - considerations about DC offsets in the ground level), JAXA/M. Ozaki

·   Common communication scheme using common memory mapping over RMAP, UoO/M. Nomachi

·   Use case of redundant CODEC for single RMAP logic, UoO/M. Nomachi



·   SpaceWire InterFace Tester (SWIFT): first glance, NASA GSFC/ A. Kisin

·   Introducing SKYLAB Industries SpaceWire products: test solutions from low-cost to smart and high performance devices,Skylab/S. Davy


  • SpW Backplanes (Convenors A. Senior SEA and M.Nomachi, UoO)

·   SpW Active Backplane developments, SEA/A. Senior

·   Report on the prototype back plane and Possible implementation for the flight model, Mitsubishi Electric

·   Card Slice Approach to SpaceWire Backplane – discussion on  some advantages of card slice approach and basic proposal for study, NASA/G. Rakow           



Day 2: Tuesday 15th of September (all day) – Room: Newton 1


Session 2: SpaceWire RT


·         Introduction, ESA/Ph. Armbruster

·         To ACK or not to ACK that is the question, ESA/C.Taylor

·         SpaceNet SpW-(R)T, UoD/S. Parkes           

·         SpaceWire RT JAXA perspective, JAXA/T. Yamada

·         Virtual Networks ,4links/B. Cook

·         SOIS Synchronization Service and SpW-RT, ESA/F. Torelli

·         Progress of the PVS (Protocol Validation System), Teletel (V. Kollias)

·         Feedback from UoStPg about SpW-RT, Y. Sheynin

·         Roscosmos view on SpaceWire applications, Roscosmos/V. Grishin

·         SpaceWire-RT case study, ISAE/T. Fernandiz for TAS-F/ A. Provost-Grellier

·         Wrap-up and conclusions ESA


Session 3: SpaceWire PnP



Session 4: Last but not least topics



Participants list


Inter-Agency Meeting, Wednesday 16th of September (AM)


SpW WG Steering Committee Mtg#13 MoM


Support Documents


SpW-T Initial Protocol Definition V3.1 


Virtual Networks  


SpaceWire-RT case study


SpaceWire Handbook V2.2         


SPA xTEDS partial Standard for CCSDS SOIS information



ESA - ESTEC - Electrical Engineering Department - Data Systems Division - Ph. Armbruster – 21/09/2009