Twelfth SpaceWire Working Group meeting

17th and 18th of February 2009


Proceedings (B)


The twelfth SpaceWire Working Group meeting has been held on the 17th and 18th of February 2009 at Estec, followed by a SpW WG Steering Committee meeting on the 19th AM.



The meeting focussed on two main points


  • SpaceWire-RT: Review of the updated Initial protocol definition

o        Document:  SpW-RT Initial Protocol Definition v2.1 (UoD/S. Parkes)


  • SpaceWire Evolution : Discussion of the SpaceWire Standard evolution on the basis of the paper presented at the International SpaceWire Conference 2008:


As a complement, the following topics have been addressed such as SpW backplanes, PnP and the SpW Handbook.


Introduction and Agenda, ESTEC/Ph. Armbruster


Session 1: SpaceWire RT (Day 1: Tuesday 17th of February)


SpW-RT Initial Protocol Definition – Presentation of UoD proposal – UoD/S. Parkes

SpW-RT Initial Protocol Definition – Assessment Users view – Discussion

·         Presentation Jaxa/T. Yamada

·         Presentation Astrium/C. Honvault

·         Presentation 4 Links/B. Cook

·         Presentation Scisys/S. Fowell

·         Presentation UoStPg/Y. Sheynin

SpW-RT Wrap-up, ESTEC/C. Taylor

SpW-RT Protocol Validation, Teletel/ V. Kollias


Session 2: SpW Evolution (Day 2: Wednesday 18th of February)


·         SpaceWire Evolution – Overview ESA/M. Suess

·         Proposed changes to ECSS-E-ST-50-12C – UoD/S.Parkes

·         Comments on ECSS-E-ST-50-12C – UoD/A. Ferrer Florit

·         Proposed Modifications for ECSS-E-ST-50-12C – UoO/M. Nomachi

·         SpaceWire evolution – UoStPg/Y. Sheynin

·         Half Duplex SpW – 4Links/B. Cook

·         Network Management – JAXA/T. Yamada

·         Power over SpaceWire – 4Links/PW

·         Accurate Synchronisation mechanism – CEA/F. Pinsard


Session 3: Other topics

`           RMAP IP Core:

·         ESA Introduction, ESTEC/K. Marinis

·         IP Core Presentation  UoD/McClements

            SpW Backplanes – SEA/A. Senior

            SpW PnP UoD /P. Mendham UoD

            SpW Handbook  4 Links/B. Cook



Day 3 AM: Thursday 19th of February (am), Room Cf106


            MoM SpW Steering Committee meeting



SpW-RT Initial Protocol Definition v2.1

The SpaceWire Handbook Draft 1


Registration, Location and Hotel Reservation

Participants (B)



ESA - ESTEC - Electrical Engineering Department - Data Systems Division - Ph. Armbruster – 26/02/2009